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Switching Back To Church Internet

After the service, it is necessary to switch the ethernet port back to the Church Access Point. Follow the instructions below to switch the internet.

1. Unplug Computer Ethernet

  • Go to the back of room where access points are (next to the left kitchen door, underneath the PTZ camera) and unplug the top white cable labelled “Computer Ethernet” from the ethernet ports on the wall
  • This unplugs the computer
    Computer Ethernet

2. Retrieve Master Key

  • Go to the copy room and get master key from they key box
    Key Box
  • The key box passcode is the Wooster area code
  • The key is labelled “All Interior Doors”
    Master Key

3. Visit Electrical Closet

  • Go to the electrical room in The Meeting Place
  • This is directly to the left right inside the main door to The Meeting Place
    Electrical Closet

4. Unplug Mackey Hall Cable

  • Unplug the green cable labelled “Mackey Hall” from the COW network switch
  • The network rack is straight inside the at the back of the closet
    Network Rack
  • The cable you need will be the only green one plugged into the COW switch
    Mackey Hall - COW Switch

5. Plug-in Mackey Hall Cable

  • Plug the same cable into the Church POE switch
  • It is normally the far left cable in the set of three green cables plugged into the Church's POE network switch
    Mackey Hall - Church Switch

6. Return Key

  • Return the master key to the box in the copy room

7. Return to Mackey Hall

  • Return to Mackey Hall to complete the final step

8. Plug-in Computer Ethernet Cable

  • Plug the gray cable labelled “Church AP” into the top port that was left empty in step 1
    Church AP

You have now switched the ethernet back the Church network.

Last update: June 8, 2022